
Documents from your computer or iPad, integrated into the deposition video

When you have those document-intensive cases and you do not want to carry binders of exhibits to depositions, simply provide Appino & Biggs Reporting Service, Inc. with the documents in either hard-copy or electronic format and we will have every document uploaded and ready to be displayed on our interactive touch screen monitors for counsel and the witness. Anything you write, highlight or draw on the monitors can then be saved and printed to be marked as an exhibit.

  • Appino & Biggs will provide a technician and touch screen monitors
  • Appino & Biggs will load and display the documents
  • Enlarge, highlight or draw on any document or photo
  • Reduce the time to find documents
  • Videos can be played
  • Everyone will see the same document at the same time
  • avoid carrying binders of exhibits to depositions